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Getting Started with Fauna using Go | Part 3

Cary Bourgeois|Aug 18th, 2018|


In the first part of this series, we developed the basics necessary to connect to the Fauna Cloud. Using that client, we then created our first database. In the second part, we developed the concept of the database specific client and used that to create our first class. In RDBMS terms, we have now created a schema and a table. In this part, we will demonstrate how to add instances or records to our class.
Picking up where we left off, this video will:
  1. Create an instance in a class that contains our schemaless object.
  2. Return the reference to the instance just created.
  3. Use that reference to read/extract the data values it contains.
The final code from this video can be found here.
As you go through these videos, please feel free to provide feedback and suggest other specific functionalities you would like to have demonstrated using this approach.

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